Have two years of lockdowns and quarantine left your house feeling stale and uninspired? Is it bursting at the seams… and in desperate need of new life? Then this guide is for YOU!
My name is Quacy Barry – I’m a certified professional builder with 8+ years of experience as an in-demand basement renovator. After years of being asked how I do it, I’m finally lifting the lid on all my trade secrets… to show everyday Canadians just how simple it is to transform a dark and dusty basement into a light-filled private retreat.
Best of all? These methods work even if you’ve never picked up a hammer, have no idea about renovations and only have a few spare hours on the weekend!
6 simple steps to transform your dark dungeon into a light-filled sanctuary - I’ve reduced my entire construction process into 6 simple steps you can follow to avoid the headaches, stress and DIY mistakes that cost people $10,000s (and their dream basement)
The 5-point inspection checklist you MUST complete before you start - whether you’re doing your own renovation or hiring a contractor… don’t even think about getting started before you tick these 5 things off the list!
The home renovator’s trusty toolkit - a complete list of all the tools, equipment and furnishings you’ll need to bring your dream basement to life (and why so many people get this wrong)
Decoding the basement compliance codes - want to tackle this hands-on without drowning in red tape? Building codes, fire codes, safety regulations… I’ll show you how to navigate them all and stay compliant!
Looking for inspiration? The 6 stunning basement ideas Toronto locals have used to breathe new life into their homes… and how much each will cost you to build!
Plus how to get $5,000 towards your dream renovation - download your guide now to find out how to take advantage of this incredible offer!
All this and much more!
When you download this free eBook, you won’t just discover how to transform your dusty basement into a light-filled private retreat. You’ll find out how to get the job done on time, inside budget and up to compliance standards!
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